Terms and Conditions – The Mystical Principles of Healing, Part 2

By registering for The Mystical Principles of Healing, Part 2 course you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Refund and Cancellation Policy. Upon purchasing this course, you are granted immediate access to non-tangible digital goods (the Mystical Principles of Healing, Part 1, recordings and transcripts). Because it is not possible to “return” these materials, you may request only a partial refund of 70% of course fees if you withdraw within 15 day of purchase and before the course begins on November 19, 2016. No refunds will be granted after the course has begun. Refunds will be issued in the same form of payment made and may take up to three weeks to process. Refund requests must be made in writing. Contact our support team for assistance.

2. Audio and Video Release. For the valuable consideration of participating in this course, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I grant Inner Science LLC and its designees the right to use my voice and/or likeness and my name as embodied in the recordings whether recorded on or transferred to video, film, audio, or other media, now known or later developed. This grant includes without limitation the right to edit, mix or duplicate and to use or re-use the recordings in whole or part as Inner Science LLC may elect. Inner Science LLC or its designee shall have complete ownership of the recordings in which my voice and/or likeness appears, including copyright interests, and I acknowledge that I have no interest or ownership in the recordings or their copyright.

a. Use & Exclusions. I recognize that for the most part these recordings will be shared only with other participants in the The Mystical Principles of Healing course. But I acknowledge that it may be appropriate to share certain excerpts or clips more widely, so I grant Inner Science LLC and its designees the right to broadcast, exhibit, market, and otherwise distribute the recordings, either in whole or in part, and either alone or with other products, for any commercial or non-commercial purposes that Inner Science LLC or its designees in their sole discretion may determine. This grant includes the right to use the Product for promoting or publicizing any of the uses. If I happen to express myself in a way that is highly personal and private and I want that excluded from the recordings, I acknowledge that it will be my responsibility to make my request in writing to the support team within three (3) days of the date of the recording so that it can be excluded.

b. Rights. I confirm that I have the right to enter into this Agreement, that I am not restricted by any commitments to other parties, and that Inner Science LLC has no financial commitment or obligations to me as a result of this Agreement. I hereby give all clearances, copyright and otherwise, for use of my voice and/or likeness embodied in the recordings. I expressly release and indemnify Inner Science LLC and its officers, employees, agents and designees from any and all claims known and unknown, including but not limited to those based on libel, invasion of privacy or violation of any right of publicity, arising out of or in any way connected with the above granted uses and representations. The rights granted Inner Science LLC herein are perpetual and worldwide. This consent shall be irrevocable and unconditional, and is entered into with my full knowledge and understanding of the consequences of granting this consent.

3. Risks and Waiver of Liability. I understand there are risks involved with any truly transformational program. I understand that I am participating in The Mystical Principles of Healing course, an online course in evolutionary spiritual practice. I recognize that the course includes psychological, social and spiritual exercises that might be strenuous, stressful, and trigger physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual reactions.

I am fully aware of the risks and potential hazards involved in participating in such cutting edge transformative work. I understand that The Mystical Principles of Healing course may release strong emotions and disorienting experiences, and I accept this possibility and the results of such emotional releases and disorientations. Although I appreciate that Thomas Hübl, Inner Science and all parties connected with it will endeavor to serve as well as possible, I acknowledge there are risks and dangers involved in my participation that Inner Science and its principals, employees, mentors, and contractors (collectively, Course Facilitators) cannot eliminate.

a. I am well enough to participate.

Physical & Psychological Fitness and Medical Clearance. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician before participating in The Mystical Principles of Healing course. I acknowledge, represent, and warrant that I am physically and psychologically fit and have no medical condition that would prevent my full participation in the course. I will truthfully advise the Course Facilitators of any and all physical, medical, and emotional conditions that could be affected by the exercises involved in the course.

Personal Monitoring. I agree to follow instructions carefully. I further understand that I am responsible to monitor my body and to immediately stop any exercise or activity that causes me any unacceptable discomfort, emotional distress or pain, and I will report this to a Course Facilitator immediately.

Deep Relaxation and Altered States. I understand that certain exercises may produce a deep state of relaxation or an altered state of consciousness that may continue for many hours after the exercise is completed. I acknowledge that I may need to refrain from driving a vehicle or operating machinery after such an exercise session, and only commence when I am again capable of safely driving or operating machinery.

b. I accept and assume risks.
I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for my welfare. In consideration for being permitted to participate in The Art of Transparent Communication course, I agree to assume full responsibility for all risks, injuries or damages, both known and unknown, that, though unlikely, might occur from my participating in such activities.

c. Independent assistance. I understand I may seek and obtain further short-term counseling and/or crisis support from coaches, counselors or licensed therapists experienced with the principles of participating in The Mystical Principles of Healing course, whom are independent of Inner Science and Thomas Hübl. I agree that in seeking such assistance I am relying solely on my own choice of such a person and am not relying on Inner Science for any assurance of success or warranty of outcome.

d. LIABILITY WAIVER AND COST INDEMNIFICATION: Because I acknowledge and assume full responsibility for my own physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being, I agree to waive all claims of liability and any lawsuit or other proceeding alleging injury to my person or property connected with my participation in The Mystical Principles of Healing course. The intended beneficiaries of this waiver include Thomas Hübl, Inner Science, LLC, and its directors, officers, advisors, independent contractors, employees, mentors, trainers, and Course Facilitators. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify all such parties for any costs and legal fees arising from any legal or other claim or allegation of harm, injury, or negligence due to my participation in the course.

e. Release and waiver is as broad as possible. I agree that this release and waiver will be interpreted as broadly as the law allows, and that if part of this waiver is deemed invalid then the balance shall remain in effect.

f. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the state of California. Venue for all disputes shall be Marin County Superior Court, California. In the event of a legal dispute arising out of the enforcement or interpretation of this agreement the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of attorney fees and costs.