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Thank you for your interest in Thomas Hübl’s Timeless Wisdom Training program.

Modern Mystic Thomas Hübl brings you cutting-edge human developmental science and the wisdom of ancient mystical principles to create the Timeless Wisdom Training, a life-changing program at the very forefront of the spiritual sciences 

The Timeless Wisdom Training is intelligently designed to rewire your body and emotional system to create a deep transformative path toward awakening.

This rare program accepts new students only once every two years, and we are now accepting applications for the European and USA program.

Interested? Sign up for updates on the program, and watch the video below of a recent Q&A event Thomas held for the Timeless Wisdom Training. 

“Once we understand the principles that are underlying our daily experience—of culture, of ourselves, of reality—we can live more and more in alignment with the flow of life and in an embodied state of presence.”

What Participants Are Saying
about the Timeless Wisdom Training

“This cycle of retreats is more than a course. It’s a transformative experience that leaves us more awake in meditation and more present in life. The way Thomas interacts with groups brings our hidden or neglected inner states into relation, with ourselves and with others, and it gently yet powerfully exposes our potential for personal growth. This work enables us as individuals to grow in our daily lives and become more responsible and aware citizens of the world.”

– Stefan Haefliger

Professor of Strategy, Cass Business School, London

“TWT is unlike any other program I have engaged in. In a broader sense, it has allowed for a paradigm shift in the way I perceive and engage in life itself. At first, I was motivated by personal development, but was surprised by a much larger outcome. My sense of belonging has been strengthened (my cultural integration as a Brazilian living in the US). The way I experience my self-identity has been expanded as more subtle energy became available. The way I show up professionally is considerably more aligned to my soul’s purpose. I finally experience my connection to the divine — after decades of spiritual seeking — as much more gentle, loving, and joyful.”

– Rita B.

Intercultural Trainer & Coach
Fairfax, CA

“It is so simple—TWT changed my life.”

– Professor Stephan Breidenbach

University Professor, Mediator and Entrepreneur

“The Timeless Wisdom Training is the most profound, most touching, and most life-changing program I have ever attended. I’ve been involved in personal growth work for over thirty years and led many psycho-spiritual development experiences as a facilitator.

Thomas is one of the most attuned, profound and potent mystical teachers I know of. The TWT represents a rare immersive chance to study with him and work with him directly on your own healing process.

The effects of this TWT learning have been felt in every dimension of my life, both personal and professional and I suspect it will be a true turning point in my life story.”

– Amy Elizabeth Fox

CEO, Mobius Executive Leadership

“I can honestly say that the three years on the TWT4 training have been the most transformational of my life. The container that is created in the Sanga allows very deep inner work to take place and Thomas’s loving guidance and teachings will be with me forever. This is already having a huge and positive impact on my life and work in ways I could never have had imagined.”

– Belinda James


“My whole life changed as a result of TWT – I found a romantic partner, moved countries, changed my job status, and generally became unstuck in many of the ways I had been stagnant the previous ten years. While the outside changes seem big, it has been the inner changes that have been so powerful. Some key areas that I worked with are: releasing deeply held limiting beliefs; surrendering to and accessing higher levels of consciousness resulting in a feeling of more relaxation and space; and unwinding some of the family patterns that have been embedded in my relating to the world.”

– Deborah K.

Executive Coach
Ottawa, ON/Seattle WA

“The TWT started one of the most exciting journeys of my life. I have gained a much more comprehensive and clear understanding of my life and am able to include this in my contribution to the marketplace through innovation and leadership. Thomas teachings, regular meditation and exchanges with other students have also strengthened my intuition and made me a keen explorer of the dynamics of metaphysics and creation. I highly recommend it!”

– Dr. Joana Breidenbach

cofounder betterplace.org
Founder and Godmother betterplace lab

Thomas Profile Picture


Modern-day mystic Thomas Hübl illuminates the path toward deep self-awareness, helping people move from a narrow, ego-centered worldview to a fulfilling life of authentic expression. Thomas’ teachings leverage transformational processes that address trauma and shadow issues, somatic awareness practices, advanced meditative practices, and a sophisticated analysis of cultural architecture.